Welcome to the Times of Madeira!

Welcome to the Times of Madeira!

Bringing you the latest and most captivating news about one of the worlds most stunning islands: Madeira!

Your Daily Dose of Madeira Magic

Welcome to the Times of Madeira, your one-stop destination for the latest and most captivating news, insights, and stories from the enchanting island of Madeira, Portugal.

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Madeiran life, where politics, culture, nature, and gossip intertwine to create an unforgettable tapestry of island life.

The Times of Madeira is more than just a news source. It's your companion to the vibrant island of Madeira. Stay informed, engaged, and entertained as we guide you through the intricacies of Madeiran life, its history and current affairs.

Discover the island's political landscape, encounter its rich culture, marvel at its natural beauty, and indulge in the latest buzz. Times of Madeira is your gateway to the unforgettable pearl of the Atlantic!
