"Bloom" Drug Triggers Violent Incidents Across the Island
The synthetic drug known as Bloom has become one of the most trafficked and widely consumed substances in Madeira, resulting in an alarming rise in violent behavior. Local authorities have reported numerous incidents involving users exhibiting severe psychotic episodes and aggressive actions. These outbursts often result in significant harm to both the users themselves and others nearby, leading to a surge in emergency interventions by local authorities.
Every day I lose control. It is the worst drug I have ever seen in the world: Bloom, the fertilizer that is destroying Madeira.
Widespread Use of Synthetic Drugs Increasingly Affects the Island's Population
Bloom has gained popularity among various groups, with its reach now extending beyond typical drug users. Many individuals, even those with no history of substance abuse, have been drawn to the drug as it is widely available for as little as €5,00 and has strong psychoactive effects. This growing trend is raising concerns about the broader social implications, as more people find themselves struggling with addiction and its consequences.

Madeira's Bloom Epidemic: A Crisis Rooted in China
Madeira is facing a drug crisis started by a country that uses drugs as a political tool.

Survey Reveals Growing Concerns About Safety in Madeira
A recent survey by Jornal da Madeira highlights a rising sense of insecurity among residents, a feeling that coincides with an increase in the crime rate.
Postal Networks Play a Key Role in the Drug Trade
A major challenge for law enforcement is the method through which synthetic drugs are entering Madeira. Much of the drug supply is arriving via postal services, a method that complicates efforts to intercept and track shipments. The discreet nature of these deliveries makes it difficult to identify the source or prevent the drugs from reaching their destination.
Social Impact of Drug Abuse Extends Beyond Health Risks
The consequences of increased synthetic drug use on Madeira Island are far-reaching. Many individuals affected by addiction are now facing homelessness, while others are involved in criminal activities such as domestic violence and violent crimes. This increase in criminal behavior is putting significant strain on social services, law enforcement, and local communities, as they try to address the growing public health crisis.
Source: RTP Madeira