260.000 Residents Hosting 10 Million Sleepovers
With barely 260.000 residents, Madeira has hit a big tourism milestone by recording over 10 million overnight stays in a single year. In November, there was a noticeable 9.7% increase in overnight stays in tourist accommodations. The recent data shows a 9.3% growth in the national market and a 9.7% rise in the foreign market.
Secretary of Tourism Sees Positive Changes
As Diário de NotĂcias reported, Eduardo Jesus, the Regional Secretary of Tourism, is pleased, seeing this as a solidification of positive changes in tourism. It's the first time Madeira has crossed the 10 million overnight stays mark in a year, a significant achievement according to the government official.
More Tourists Expected in the Near Future
Looking forward, Eduardo Jesus predicts the numbers might go even higher and surpass 10.2 million overnight stays between January and November 2023. This positive outlook is backed by consistent growth, which is expected at a rate of around 10%.
These figures not only present Madeira as an attractive tourist spot but also indicate a steady and positive development in the region's tourism industry. However, with a recent trend showing that the wealth gap between the rich and poor is growing, it remains to be seen how this growth will eventually unfold in the favor of the local population.